Event Description:
The purpose for this event is to bring awareness of God's creation and the importance of conserving the natural resources given to us. The event will offer an opportunity for youth, children, and their families to contribute to the community through our privilege and gratitude to expand on the God's creation by planting. The families will learn through activities including an activity in which they can take home to measure how clean their environment is. This event will provide resources to assist the families what they can do to conserve energy at their homes and around their surroundings. Food and refreshments will be provided to those participating.
Resources will be handed out in a flyer of the Portfolio Manager website and quick tips on a flyer will be provided so guests can see what can be done to conserver our environment.
Pastora Yorelis Teran and Roger Gomez, El Shaddai ICC
Date & time:
September 25, 2024
El Aire Que Respiramos PM 2.5/ Por la Creación