July 18, 2020

Coffee Plantations and Wild Birds in Colombia

Event Description:

In this webinar, we will discuss the impact of shade grown coffee on bird conservation in Quindío, Colombia from a local perspective. Colombia is home to the largest diversity of birds in the entire world and particularly impacted by the drastic and horrifying downwards trend in bird populations worldwide since 1970. Deforestation in tropical regions due to agriculture contributes to loss of habitat. We will get a chance to speak with Alberto Córdoba from Finca La Palmera about how he has conserved native guadua stands on his third generation family farm in Quindío and taken action to produce only organic, shade grown bird friendly coffee. We will discuss what shade grown coffee is, why it is important and how you as a coffee consumer can help protect wild birds.

En este seminario, analizaremos el impacto del café de sombra en la conservación de aves en Quindío, Colombia desde una perspectiva local. Colombia es el hogar de la mayor diversidad de aves en todo el mundo y se ve particularmente afectada por la tendencia a la terrible disminucion las poblaciones de aves en todo el mundo desde 1970. La deforestación en las regiones tropicales debido a la agricultura de monocultura contribuye a la pérdida de hábitat. Tendremos la oportunidad de hablar con Alberto Córdoba de la Finca La Palmera sobre cómo ha conservado los bosques de guadua nativos en su granja familiar de tercera generación en Quindío y ha tomado medidas para producir solo café ecológico, a la sombra. Discutiremos qué es el café de sombra, por qué es importante para las aves y cómo usted, como consumidor de café, puede ayudar a proteger las aves silvestres.

Event Hosts:

Bird Amigo Coffee

Date & time:
July 18, 2020
3 pm EST  -  4 pm EST

ZOOM Meeting ID: 827 4838 0487 Password: 2021q1
Davie, FL, 33325

Open to the Public:


Questions: For Questions about this event, please contact Al Cordoba with Finca La Palmera at 954-980-5992 or al.cordoba@yuktasys.com.

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Latino Conservation Week is a collection of events from variety of organizations. Hispanic Access Foundation is only directly responsible for events in which it is listed as a sponsor.