July 25, 2020

Melt and Pour Soap Making Workshop

Event Description:

In order to celebrate Latino Conservation week this workshop is free and available to the public! We will talk about the history, chemistry, and conservation aspects of soap making! We will be using the melt and pour technique, no lye or chemicals involved. They are fun to make, and they make great gifts! Get your family together for a creative evening, or make new friends (online) while learning a new craft.

Appropriate for ages 7 and up with parental supervision. This technique is often thought of as an introduction to soap making. Many people move on to cold process soap making. But many people also just enjoy the melt and pour technique as well! Register in advance to reserve your materials! A majority of materials, shipping, and virtual instruction are included.

In order to register please contact Sasha Azeez at Sasha_Azeez@Fws.gov!

We will be shipping out supplies so please include your name, phone number, and shipping address. Materials you will need that are not included: rubbing alcohol, a microwave or supplies for a double broiler, A cutting instrument, and bowls. Two kits available per household. Use instruments that you are able to part with. Many people have dedicated soap making supplies, because some fragrances and additives stay with the objects. Especially if they are made with porous material. AKA don’t use your favorite bowl or try to make cupcakes with the silicon molds that are provided.

Event Hosts:

Buffalo Urban Refuge Partnership

Date & time:
July 25, 2020
1.00 pm EST  -  2.00 pm EST

Buffalo, NY, 14215

Open to the Public:


Questions: For Questions about this event, please contact Sasha Azeez with Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge at 585-948-5445 x7063 or Sasha_Azeez@FWS.gov.

LCW is an Initiative of:

Latino Conservation Week is a collection of events from variety of organizations. Hispanic Access Foundation is only directly responsible for events in which it is listed as a sponsor.